“My name is Julie, I’m 38 and I live in Paris. I am known on Instagram as “La Fille Qui A Des Tâches” (the girls with stains) because I was born with angiomas. Angiomas are a cardiovascular problem that causes birthmarks, I have them on 70% of my body. It was a long struggle but today I’ve made it my strength, hence the name “lafillequiadestaches” (thegirlwithstains) because that's how I've always been described in life, when people didn't know my name it was “oh hey, it's the girl who has stains”. The purpose of this Instagram account project was initially to find people on social media with angiomas and finally it continued and expand. An extent that I do not control yet today but which allows me to live from it because I am a bodypositive influencer and am very proud of this, it is a beautiful revenge on life. People often ask me why did my insta have such an impact, I think it's because I'm one of the few in France to show myself with my angiomas. I met quite a few people with angiomas on their face, arms etc. but never as many as I have. I often say that if we were more represented in the medias, if there were “normal” people on TV, in the media’s and anywhere else, people would no longer look back at us in the street, there would no longer be this problem of people staring at us or setting us aside because we are called different. There is still a lot of work to do but we are getting there, more and more brands are contacting me or contacting people with “curves”. Progress is on its way, we still have a fair way but there is progress.”